Sunday, 1 July 2007

6 More DAYS?!

Typing the title made my palm sweat due to the excitement.. 6 more days left till ISCF Rally. Hope all of you already asked your parents' permission, found transportation, saved money and etc etc for this rally. But something more important than that is, hope you guys are praying for this rally to be a success. Remember, success of this rally is not putting up a good show and performance, or to bring as many friends to rally as possible, but the success is the number of souls that are saved after the rally. It doesn't end there people, when we achieve something, we're sure to enhanced anything that we've already achieved. For example: you get straight A's for SPM, don't tell me that you're gonna stop there only? Surely you would like to further your studies to achieve something better than what you've already achieved. So people, seeing souls saved is the starting point of success for this rally. This rally can only be labeled as something successful, if all those saved souls, grow mature in Spirit. That's what we wanna see during and after the rally. We not only want to see Klang being saved, but Klang WORSHIPING GOD! That's the ultimate prayer of all the committees of this year's ISCF Rally. Love Malaysia my fellow friends, love the Malaysians - your neighbours. Glory to God for everything He has done in our lives, for this rally. Let ONLY HIS name be glorified, in this rally, no one else. All credits goes to Him, to Him alone. Amen.

Don't stop promoting this rally. Keep on promoting, pushing and persuading if you have to. Do this not because you were forced to or to be famous, but do it for God.

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