Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Rejected Introduction Video
We didn't screen this one because we did not have enough time and we didn't want too many videos to be screened.
Enjoy. Glory to God.
Sorry if you don't enjoy it. I know He does.
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Click HERE, for all of them. Taken by Mr. Daniel our cameraman #1. Now finding for the second cameraman... Hahah.. Glory to God.
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Monday, 2 July 2007
But let's not focus on what's gonna happen AFTER the rally for now. Let's focus on what's HAPPENING before and DURING the rally. Are you believers gonna take the stand to share to your friends before the rally? Are you people gonna cheer and motivate your friends to go up to the front during the altar call? Every single person, has a part to play. Even though you're not part of the committee, but remember, the committees are just here to organise the rally, YOU're assign by God to IMPACT your friends' life before the rally. Share about the Good News before the rally to your friends, pray for them, then bring them for rally. Let them feel God's love during the whole event.
Be blessed for those who are coming. Come with a desperate heart, or, just attend the rally for the sake of fun. I bet that you'll enjoy the fun in the presence of the Lord. God loves you, He cares, all you need to do is to say, "YES". One simple word.
Glory to God for He has and will always help us and care for us. Thank God for all the blessings He has given to us. Time to return all of them to Him. Sprint, not jog, the time has come. Amen.
Sunday, 1 July 2007
6 More DAYS?!
Don't stop promoting this rally. Keep on promoting, pushing and persuading if you have to. Do this not because you were forced to or to be famous, but do it for God.
Saturday, 30 June 2007
After the rehearsal, there was usher training and choir practice. The choir sounds awesome. Good to see that there are many people in this team. For the ushers though, please be more pumped up. Last night I went around, you guys are like, literally dead. Sorry to say that. Put them smile on your face, be loud, there's nothing to lost if you give your all to God. Remember ushers, you people are the first person the rally-comers are gonna meet. So, accept everybody by showing God's love to them. Be radical. Be excited.
For all of you people who are planning to come for the rally, don't plan, make it as your final answer to really really really come for the rally. It's gonna be awesome. Just praying about it really makes more adrenalin hormone pumped out into my body. So people, keep praying for the rally, for good weather, for everything to run smoothly, and also for your FRIENDS! They're the utmost important people in the rally, your non-believer friends. If you want to see them save, do your part for now, pray for them, or maybe share to them about the Good News before the rally. Persuade them to come! Haha!
I hope that every school has already started to pass around them fliers. We only have a week to promote, so, lets do this with a willing heart, to sacrifice your time just to hand out fliers. Make sure every student in your school knows!!!! This rally might, wait, I mean, WILL change their lives! Glory to God. Amen.
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Usher Training
Sunday, 24 June 2007
So people, PLEASE TRY TO MAKE IT... WAIT... YOU PEOPLE MUST ATTEND THE REHEARSAL. Sorry for any inconvinience(sp?). We really need to have this rehearsal. God bless to all of you people who sacrifice a lot for this rally. Remember, you're not doing this because some mad CF president asked you to, but because God has planted something in your heart and now you're serving Him. Not the rally committees. It'll be awesome if we had FULL attendance.
For those who are feeling stressed up, please pray! When we're serving the Lord, the Satan will surely attack us if he finds any foot holes he can step in. Remember, the committees are keeping all of you in prayer. If you have a problem, just go to your CF president and request for a prayer or something. God bless all of you Servants of Christ.
REMEMBER! Rehearsal's on the 29th of June 2006, 6:00PM till 8:00PM, Klang Baptist Church (it's right opposite Lotus Restaurant).
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Devotion #8 I think
hey all, rally's near! Pray guys! I tell you, Friday, June the 22nd was a total prayer blast. We had our prayer meeting in the Nehemiah room at Grace Assembly. God's presensewas just so awesome that many are blessed. But!!! that doesn't mean you'vmissed da
He'll give you that awesome experience if you ask for it. Therefore pray like you've never prayed before. Do everything with God's strength
Here are some scriptures from the bible that I find it useful for many of you .
Philippians 4:13
Proverbs 3:26
Proverbs 14:26
Isaiah 30:15
Isaiah 41:13
Romans 8:37
Romans 8:31
1 John 5:4
(phew..... alright... guys do yourdevotions, pray, seek His face and run the race!)
Be that generation that stands up for Christ!
Always believe in you guys! (God too.. hehe =) )
Be blessed,
Love God with all your
by Jon Walker
“‘Love the Lord
your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
strength and with all your mind ….'” (Luke 10:27 NIV)
No doubt it sounds
strange, but in order to love God with all your strength, you have to
admit that you are weak and that your strength is limited.
By doing this, you
acknowledge God as the true source of your strength, and that in your
weakness, he is strong. You become strong as you become totally dependent
upon him, allowing his strength to work through you.
As you allow God to
show his strength, you will find yourself doing things you never thought
possible. God promises you can do all things through the Father as he
gives you his strength (Phil. 4:13). You’ll take steps of faith you
never thought possible, and you’ll love others in a way you never
imagined as God supplies you with supernatural strength and energy.
God is strong and he
wants you strong. He will change you in places where you cannot change
yourself, and he will transform the broken places of your life in order
to use them for his own glory.
God doesn’t ask you
to take steps of faith alone; he is with you in every step, filling
you with a grace-charged strength. God only asks you to take one step
of faith at a time.
So what?
· Tell God you
need his strength – and really mean it this time. Ha! When you
try to love and serve others with just your own strength, you’ll inevitably
fail. After all, there are a lot of frustrating, unlovable people out
there. (Just ask some of my friends!) And that’s OK because God wants
you to fail in your own strength so you’ll start to rely upon his
· You can’t love
God wholeheartedly – Jesus knows you won’t be able to love God
with your whole heart until you become dependent upon his strength to
do so. You simply can’t do it through your own energy or strength,
but Jesus also knows you’ll come to realize this yourself the more
you attempt to love God – and others – on your own. At that point,
you’re faced with a very clear but difficult choice: Keep on keeping
on in your own strength, wondering why this abundant life thing doesn’t
work, or take the “Nestea plunge” into the deep end of dependence
on God’s strength.
· One step of faith
at a time – Relying on God’s strength doesn’t mean he will
require you to take giant leaps of faith. He’s taking you on a lifelong
journey, and my experience is that God only asks for one step at a time.
The so-called “leaps of faith” you see some people take actually
are the culmination of a lot of little steps of faith that you may not
be aware of. The first step is to ask God to be your strength as you
take your first steps of faith. Willingness to rely on him is
a step of faith.
· Question for
meditation: How dependent on God am I each day as I walk out my
faith? Where am I moving independently of him?
What If...?
This is a post on Interschool Rally 2007.
What If…
Have you ever asked yourself this question that begins with "What if…"?
What if I were to enter Arts Stream after Form 3?
What if I were to go for Yvonne's party?
What if I were to buy this shirt?
What if…
What if…
What if…
What if…
Have anyone told you that everything happened by chance? You forgot to bring your school tie and so happened that day your school called off assembly and you go "Phew!" . Or remembered the day you were walking home from tuition and two guys was about to mug u but so happened that a group of adults were passing by and you were saved? Is it by chance? What if there was assembly that day? What if the group of adults did not pass your way?
What if I were to tell you that nothing happens by chance?
What if there weren't any plants on earth? What if all the trees on earth one day disappear? What if I was more handsome? What if I was prettier? What if I was a celebrity? What if I can sing like Daniel Lee? What if I were born in another family? What if my parents have enough money to send me to school? What if I had a million dollars? What if… And the list of questions goes on.
Many of us are wired this way that we think life is just about studies, entering college, get a job, get married, build a happy family, continue working until you retire, send your children to college, and wait for your departure from earth. Doesn't it sound so boring? And so mechanical? You wake up, you go to school, you come back form school, you go for tuition, you come back from tuition, you study, you eat, you sleep, you wake up the next morning and do the same routine. But I throw you this question:
What if you were meant for MORE than this?
What if you were meant to do more than just study, enter college, get a job, get married, get babies and build a family? What if I tell you there is more to life? What if I tell you with no doubts that…
You were born for more!
Life is not just about eating, drinking and be merry. Life is not just about having a "Happy ever after" ending. Life is more than this! You think you can't do much, you are limited with financial problems, you were born in a poor family, your parents are divorced, you are the least favorite in school, and everyone treats you as though you are invisible. You are sick of life, you tell yourself that for the rest of your life you will remain the same. Wait… Don't give up hope yet… Because there is someone who knows what he is doing with you.
Are you constantly asking yourself, "What will my future be?"
What if I tell you that you don't have to worry about your future because it is well taken care of?
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
What if I were to tell you that life is not just about getting a good job, getting married, building a family and waiting for life to end?
What if I tell you that God knows your future? What if I tell you He has something great in store for you? Will you believe me? Will you believe God?
There is something waiting for you this season. There is a greater reason for your existence here on earth. You will be blown away. There is something great to be revealed to you on the 7th of July 2007.
Come for this year's Interschool Rally. There is something waiting for you to be uncovered.
What if you do not go for Interschool Rally 2007?
I leave the answer to you alone.
What if you come for Interschool Rally 2007?
Come and you will know the answer.
See you on the 777.
Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
What if you were born to do more…
Zlwin Chew
A message from a fellow ISCF Rally guitarist.
Friday, 22 June 2007
What If...?
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Devotion Number..... Never Mind.. Devotion....
Hey peeps..... rally is in two weeks time and are ya'll prepared? Get ready to receive God's abundant blessing and see His mighty works on that day. Well, wanna see all these things? you gotta get desperate for it! Fast! (if it's possible try to fast for more days instead of just wednesday only). Pray! (pray like you've never prayed before, ask and He will give the nations to you). REad (read your bible, catch the fire ,the truth, allow Jesus to manifest in you that the works of the enemy will be destroyed). No one is too small or too big to serve the Him, we need one another to function as Christ's body. (don't ever feel that you're too insignificant! your effort makes a difference!)
Attn: Prayer intercessors,
get ready to pray and please be reminded of the date 7/07//07 from 730p.m. Intercede for them and fast.
Again, please refer to your prayer pointers that I've mailed to you guys in the first issue of devotion. That's just your guide lines lar.. you are always welcome to pray on your own...
Alright, all the best to all of you! I know something great is going to happen.
Always believe in you guys.
Yours in Christ,
Will God Help Me?
by Jon Walker
Will God help me?
By Jon Walker
"'Love the Lord
your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
strength and with all your mind' and 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
(Luke 10:27 NIV)
You learn to trust
God by obeying him in small ways.
At this point in your
faith-walk, you probably agree that God is the supreme ruler of the
universe, powerful enough to overcome any problem or defeat any enemy.
"Everything comes from him; everything happens through him; everything
ends up in him." (Romans 11:36 MSG)
And if that is true,
then our struggle to take a step of faith is not over the issue of whether
or not God can deliver – he clearly can do that.
The real the question
is: Can we trust God to be sensitive to our needs (or what we perceive
to be our needs)?
Perhaps the resistance
you and I exhibit when we’re faced with a faith-step is because we
seriously doubt God will look out for our best interests – “Yes,
I believe God can work this out, but will he?”
And this often lapses
into the speech of behavior that says, “I know I can work this
out, but I’m not sure God will – at least I’m not sure he will
do it the way I want to see it done.”
The incredible thing
is this: God patiently understands your hesitancy, so he made the first
move toward establishing a loving, trusting relationship with you. He
didn't wait until you could be trusted to receive his love, and he doesn’t
insist you become trustworthy before he trusts you with precious gifts.
(Romans 5:6-8)
This means that by
taking small steps of faith, obeying God in small ways, “We find ourselves
standing where we always hoped we might stand – out in the wide open
spaces of God's grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise.”
(Romans 5:2 MSG)
So what?
· God is trustworthy
in everything (Psalm 33:4) – He is love (1 John 4:16b), and therefore
patient and kind; he's never rude or self-seeking; he's not easily angered,
and he keeps no record of wrongs; he does not delight in evil but rejoices
with the truth; he always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always
perseveres; he never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) He is always fair
(Deuteronomy 32:4), and he’s never failed to fulfill one of his promises.
(Joshua 21:45)
· Meditate on God’s
faithfulness – When you struggle to trust God, meditate upon his
faithfulness and love. Remember that, for now, we "know only a
portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete.
But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled."
(1 Corinthians 13:9-10, MSG) "Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything
you do, and he will show you the right way." (Proverbs 3:5-6) God
is calling you to grow up in your faith and to trust steadily in him.
(1 Corinthians 13:11-13, MSG)
· Take your fears
(lack of trust) to him – God's perfect love casts out all fear,
and that means you can safely tell him about your doubts and fears.
He isn't angry when you struggle with your faith. Imagine a father watching
his child take those first baby steps. Like a father overjoyed that
his child is learning to walk, your Heavenly Father encourages you to
take small steps of obedience.
Message from the President
To everyone who is serving in ISCF rally & have a heart to see something BIG happen in KLANG !
There will be a prayer meeting
Friday ~ 7.30 p.m. ~ Grace Assembly Klang
We are going to enforce and cry out onto the Lord for something New and Great to happen in this Land! We don't want all the same things to happen all over again ! This year we going to ask more than just an interschool rally ! I welcome you to come and join us this friday to fight this war with us !
Please forward this to everyone whose involve in interschool rally! include :-
1. Performers
2. Worship Team
3. Choir
4. Ushers
5. Counsellor
6. Ex committee
7. Committee
** All committee and Worship team , your attendance is compulsory! if you cant make it please inform Me, Huei Lin or Amy ! with reasonable excuse!
See you People !
Saturday, 9 June 2007

First there was the workshop that was organized by ISCF. The workshop consisted of three sessions. First there was the much anticipated praise and worship which was kicked off by President Adrian, himself.He got the crowd, jumping and worshipping God.

Adrian and band
Next, Miss Tan Siew Chin, took over the workshop and then she kicked off the first session, where all the students were given materials and where they were asked questions like heaven and what is faith and evangelism?The second session too was a continual of the first session and this time she taught them about how we should save and be an example to Non-Christians. However for the third session, the students were seperated into their own respective schools, where they were asked to jot down the number of souls that they wanted to save. There was a small discussion among the students. Basically this was to help the students learn a clearer perspective on evangelism and witnessing to others.
Well the night rally kicked off with a band performance by BUS COMPANY which was lead by Shaun Xavier. They took a bold step and performed a song that they have written specially for our upcoming inter-school rally: WHAT IF. The crowd received the new song with standing ovation and even sang along to it. Guess, we will be looking forward to it more during inter-school rally.

Shaun Xavier, Lead singer of BUS COMPANY

Bus Company.Don't be surprised, if they released an album in the near future.
Next, there was the much anticipated Praise and Worship, that was lead by Jeremy Teo and his band. The band played the popular Praise and worship songs that everyone might look forward to during inter-school rally. This got the crowd to jump and praising and giving glory to GOD in unison.

Jeremy Teo and his band leading Praise and Worship.

What do you think they are doing? Of course Praising and Glorifying God.
As soon as the crowd died down after Praise and Worship and they settled themselves down, there were two testimonies that were given by Ah Sher and Swee Quin both Convent girls, who testified about what God has done in their CF.

Ah Sher

Swee Quin
Pastor Gideon, the Youth pastor took over and preached. He preached about witnessing to friends and for us to stand in a gap. It was basically a continuation from the workshop. All in all, it was a great event and many went home with a new pledge to continue witnessing and evangelizing to their friends.

Pastor Gideon in action.
All in all, this Pre-Rally turned out to be a success. Before I end, I would like to leave a note to all you readers out there. This words were inpired by President Adrian as he was challenging us who were in Youth Energy today.
"This inter-school rally is just an event. Its just a normal event that is being held by all the other schools. But one thing's for sure. This event is an opportunity that is given to us to witness to others and I would like challenge you guys out there to go out.....Go all out and witness to your friends. Don't let this opportunity slip as it is a great opportunity for you guys to go and target whose life you wished to change. And also pray for those friends,that they were be able to be saved. Prayer works miraculously. Never underestimate the power in a prayer."
Adrian Yap, in Youth Energy
You heard it, or read it. So now go out and start targetting and witnessing those who you wished to see,saved. God Bless.
Friday, 8 June 2007
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Oh CRAP!!!!
Glory to GOD.
Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Devotion #6
Christ In You
By Jon Walker
“God wanted to make
known to those among the Gentiles the glorious wealth of this mystery,
which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:27 HCS)
While moving through
the line at a college cafeteria, one of my friends spotted a note stuck
in a bowl of apples. It read, “Please take only one apple per student.
Remember, God is watching!”
When my friend, one
apple in hand, got to the end of the line, he spotted another note –
this one hand-written – next to a bowl of cookies. It read, “Take
all the cookies you want! God is watching the apples.”
Has it ever struck you
how comically absurd it is for us to behave as if God is compartmentalized,
convincing ourselves that somehow we can live separated from – or
hidden from – God’s omnipresent spirit?
But this belief –
and the resulting behavior – is contrary to the Gospel. The brutal
and bloody death of Jesus was not just about paying the penalty of our
sins; it also released the Holy Spirit to scrub us white as snow so
this Jesus-Spirit could live within us.
When you become a believer,
God breathes the Holy Spirit into you (John 3), creating a constant
connection between you and the Heavenly Father, a flowing fountain of
living water springing up into life eternal. (John 4:14)
To echo Ian Thomas,
who is an obedient teacher of Christ, the work of Jesus allows God to
come out of heaven and dwell inside you. You now have the energy and
power of Jesus working actively within you, transforming you
from the inside out. (Ephesians 2:10)
You are united with
Christ, but not in some New Age mystical sense – He is God, and you
are not– I repeat not – any sort of God. As a Christian,
you partake in the Divine nature, but you are not divine. (2 Peter 1:3-4)
You’re merely – yet quite uniquely – a trophy of God’s grace,
wholly and totally dependent upon him for your salvation, your sanctification,
and the next breath you take.
The Good News is simply
this – Christ in you – and that is your only hope for glory (that
is, an eternity with God). “The mystery in a nutshell is just this:
Christ is in you, therefore you can look forward to sharing in God's
glory. It's that simple. That is the substance of our Message.” (Colossians
1:27b MSG)
So what?
· God is our strength
– Here’s a radical “so what?” With the Spirit of God inside,
you can stop praying prayers like, “God, please give me strength.”
The fact is, he is your strength. Your prayers can move
toward allowing his strength to transform you. (Strength is just an
example here – this also applies to wisdom, peace, joy, etc.)
· Up close and personal
– God is not a distant God. His spirit is working within you.
Paul suggests this is a down payment on the eternity to come, but it
also shows that God values intimate relationship over rules or religion.
· Expect God to
work in you – You are “God's workmanship, created in Christ
Jesus to do good works ….” (Ephesians 2:10a NIV) Don’t hope
that he’s at work in you; expect him to work in you, transforming
you into a reflection of Christ. Ask God where he’s working in you,
and then expect him to show you.
© 2007 Jon Walker.
All rights reserved
Help Promote This Year's ISCF Rally!
1st week : Get real (2004)
2nd week : What’s Next? (2005)
3rd week : Chapter 2 (2006)
Help us promote this rally... It's part of serving the Lord for the extension of His Kingdom. Do not be afraid when your friends ask you why are you wearing the same T-Shirt as other people...
Reason why we're having this type of promotion? Well, when ALL of us are wearing the T-Shirt, people will be wondering, why this people all wearing the same T-Shirt.. They'll feel left out (muahahaha) and yeah, curious as well on what's going on... If someone comes up to you asking that, just tell lerr, the promote about the rally then you throw in all the details about rally to him/her....
So, let's get our semangat to promote this year's rally mogok style! HAhaa!
Remember, we're starting on the first week of school after the holidays. God bless!
Do this to glorify our Lord's name! Amen.
Monday, 4 June 2007
Saturday, 2 June 2007
Just to let you all know that it has been confirmed! Our speaker for the pre-rally will be none other than Pastor Julie Khoo from Youth Alive Malaysia. Praise the Lord! :)
The 7th of June is just around the corner. Counting down there's only 6 days left! I hope that you guys have kept this date free to attend the pre-rally. Its an event not to be missed! There's the workshop on evangelism and follow-up, and also the night rally.
Don't go saying "Aiyah, i just attend the pre-rally enough la, i don't have to come for the actual interschool rally."
Neither should you say "Aiyohhh, so many events, i just go for the actually interschool rally can already la. No need to go for the pre-rally because it will be like the same thing."
This is the wrong way of thinking! I urge all of you guys to attend both the pre-rally (7th JUNE) and the rally (7th JULY)!
Get determined! Encourage others! Spread the word! Invite both non-christians and christians! It's all about spreading the word of God, sharing with others about how great is our God! Letting others know about our Father in Heaven! Jeremiah 29:11 states "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans not to harm you but to prosper you, to give you hope and a future."
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Feel that your holiday Nights are filled with boredom?
No activities planned?
No friends to hang out with because they are all busy?
Desperate to go somewhere with loads of friends?

I am here to spread an exciting news to you guys.
There is the PRE-RALLY that is organized by the ISCF Klang
It's open only for all Christians
Date :7th June 2007
Venue:MPH 2 Glad Tidings Assembly of God, Klang
1)The Workshop(on Evangelism & Follow-Up)
Time :1.30pm-5.00pm
2)The Night Rally:- 7pm-10pm
Price:Rm 5.00 (for materials and dinner. so cheap)
Note that the Night rally and the workshop are two seperate events, so all in all the pre-rally is held in one day.
So keep your dates free. Its a special event organized by the ISCF Klang. So don't miss it.

It will life changing experience for all you Christians out there.

Even the baby is excited about this event. Are you?
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Here's the leak:
I personally love the idea and the colour. Not sure about you people though.
This design is just a sample only. There'll be another design coming out soon. I heard they might make the flyers as a bookmark as well =P.
Stay tuned for more leaks...
First Promotion Video
Thank God that was quick. Haha! Glory to God!
And I have a leak on the flyers for this year's rally. It's just an idea. Will upload the picture tomorrow =P. Hope I don't get lecturing from the other committees.. HAha!
For those who wants to publicitise this video in your blog, please click HERE for the embed code.
To those who didn't enjoy the video, sorry.
Sunday, 27 May 2007
Devotion #5
Jesus Answers Your
By Jon Walker
“Be friendly with
everyone. Don’t be proud and feel that you are smarter than others.
Make friends with ordinary people.” (Romans 12:16 CEV)
When we’re in Christian
community, we do a lot of things right, but we still have a lot to learn
about being “friendly with everyone.” (Romans 12:16) Many of us,
particularly the guys, are not very good at developing deep, deep
But that shouldn’t
discourage us – because we “can do all things through Christ.”
As believers, we can be eternal optimists, and our relationship with
Christ provides us with tremendous potential for developing authentic,
transparent friendships.
The fear in all this
is that, in order to truly know other people, I must be willing to be
known, allowing others to get close enough to see the real me. And that
sounds a little scary, doesn’t it? What if there are parts of me that
I’m not proud of or need a lot of work?
These fears are common
to anyone, but Jesus is the answer to your fears. Did you hear that?
Jesus doesn’t just provide the answers for your fears – Jesus
is the answer to your fears.
Whether these deeper
relationships are with other believers who strengthen us in our faith,
or with unchurched people God wants to love through you, keep two things
in mind:
First, Jesus invites
you to know him intimately. Jesus isn’t afraid of deep relationships.
In fact, he went to the cross to ensure you could be “accepted in
the Beloved” (Eph. 1:6), no matter what you’ve done or no matter
how far you need to come.
Second, your intimate
friendship with Jesus will help others see that it’s not so scary
to know and be known. A godly community emerges when we observe,
practice, and model transparent, authentic, no-strings-attached relationships.
So what?
· You have to take
a risk – “Being known” by others means risk. Every time you
reach out to another person in friendship, you risk being rejected or
misunderstood. The risk may be even higher with non-believers because
of the difference in worldviews and values.
· You can’t do
it alone – Your friendship with Jesus gives you the strength you
need to risk building friendships with others. For that matter, your
friends need Jesus’ strength to develop a deep relationship with
· You need to start
now – If we wait until our lives are cleaned up before we develop
deep Christian friendships, then it will never happen. Growing up in
Christ, and maturing as a believer, are lifelong pursuits and require
a deeply loving, committed community.
· Think about it
– Are there barriers that keep you from building deeper friendships?
Who are the people God wants you to reach out to in friendship?
Saturday, 26 May 2007
Wanna Serve?
Places stated in brackets are for EACH school. Example: Ushers (3); means that each school can send a maximum of 3 people to serve as ushers for the ISCF rally.
- Ushers (3)
- Dancers (2)
- Skit (2)
- Bouncers (2)
- Counsellors (2)
- Ground and Maintainance (3)
If you're interested in one of the spaces, please contact your CF president/committee about it. Whoever is in charge of this in your CF will contact people who are in charge for respective jobs. Please hurry.
God bless.
Glorify HIS name through serving.
Friday, 25 May 2007
PS: Forums link is at the Navigation sidebar.
Get Blogrolled!
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I'll only blogroll CF websites.
God bless.
Thursday, 24 May 2007
2nd Praise and Worship Auditions
And oh yeah, this audition is only for students who are schooling in secondary school, from Form 1 to Form 6 (upper or lower) or 13 years old till 18 years old (home schooling). For college students, I'm not sure...
One more important thing.. The songs that you're gonna play for auditions are Time Has Come and Take It All by Hillsong United for the praise songs. And for worship, How Great Is Our God by Chris Thomplins (sp?). All songs must be played FULL (from the beginning till the end). So, be ready! All keys are original/similar to CDs.
Devotion #4
Hey commttees how is it going? I trust everyone is on their toes and working real hard for their exams and preparations for the rally. Well, I've decided not to attach any copied devotion from my resource. So, this would be something different. By the way, this devotion is what I've been through these past three weeks.
I believe we as students share the same agony of exams, work loads and so on. I too, am not excluded. For the past three weeks, it has been energy-draining, tiring and not to mention frustrating because the stress level was really overwhelming. I could basically give you the same old no-time 1001 reasons that 'I GOT NO TIME FOR ANYTHING'. I'm, not to mention, worked up and worn out. My heart's cry on that moment was literally "God please spare me from exams!". Sooner, something really unpleasant came right in front of my face. I was struck down by devastation and started doubting God.(God forgive me!)
Until last week, I woke up and read the bible for devotion. While I was praying, God somehow told me that I'm in His blessing list. To my surprise, the first few words that came out of my mind was " Are You sure?", " Am I 50% awake and 50% asleep" . I was a doubting Thomas. Exams came, first as usual I will spend sleepless nights burning the midnight oil, there came my first paper then the next paper, and the next one. Then, the last night before the last paper, I had the most undesirable dream- I dreamt of situations that really pulls me down to the pit and people start saying mean things about me. Honestly, from that dream, it somehow made me reminisce about my past hurts. That long and cruel night, tears just flow out my eyes and deep down I feel worthless. Just imagine how wrong it is to happen at the night before my last paper!
The next morning I again prayed so hard that my emotions will not affect my performance. Then, the one -real-WOW- factor came and sorta gave me a lift. A voice came into my mind and said, " No matter who you are, what you've went through in the past, my love for you is still the same and you are precious in my sight." I felt encouraged and drawn near to Him. Then still, reluctantly I went for my last paper-Biology. There goes my results, and I still wasn't positive but I told God that whatever happens, make me humble and sustain my emotions. Low and behold, .........(you know what to say hehe=) *predictable*)
From that moment, I am reminded again that God gave us good and bad times for a reason. In our good times, we should foster a good relationship with HIm and when life's toughest moments creep in, we know where we stand in Christ. I thank God that through it all He is FAITHFUL. And all in all, he has an awesome plan ahead for u and I (Isa 49:1-7) Therefore I urge all of you to really be bold and stand strong in Him. Pray and read your bibles, strenghten that foundation with Him and then I would dare say WE could smile even through the storms. Always remember that whatever happens He's with us, and we're just His vessels ready to be used. All glory belongs to Him. My prayer to you guys is you will not let your guard down.
Alright, I've said too much =). God bless and continue to press on for more.
Always believe in you guys!
Devotion #3
Set Apart and Appointed
By Jon Walker
"I knew you
before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set
you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world." (Jeremiah
1:5 NLT)
Of all my teachers in school, the most influential was Judy Black, my English teacher at Miami Killian High School. Because of Judy,
I can still recite the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet; I
know the significance of Xanadu; and I know one
of the things that attracted me to my wife is that she looked like she’d
just stepped out of a Pre-Raphaelite painting.
But the greatest gift
Judy gave me was the confidence that I was shaped to be a writer. She
believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. For years, when few
people read what I wrote, she encouraged me. She still writes to me
regularly, asking me to report on the progress of my novel (25 years
in the making – someday, Judy).
In Jeremiah 1:5, we’re
taught that God created Jeremiah to share the Creator’s message with
the nations. I believe God shaped (appointed) Judy Black to share her
enthusiasm for English and literature with public high school students
like me. I now believe God shaped me to share my writing with others
(thank you, Judy); and I believe God created you to share yourself
with those around you.
We are all diminished
if you hide yourself under a bushel, keeping your skills, your talents,
your insights, your joy, and your pain hidden from others. God wants
you to share yourself; he created you with a uniqueness that enriches
the world when you give yourself to the community around you.
Ask God why He created
you and what you’re supposed to give away. Whose life will you influence
by giving your time and talent? Maybe you’re a great singer, or a
great cook, or a great mechanic, or a great teacher. Whatever gift God
has given you, he gave it to you to give away in service to him.
So what?
· God gave you life; now give
– You were created to share your life and talents with the
community around you. Whatever gifts God gave you, he gave them to you
so you could give them in service to him.
· Find a way to share
– What is your talent? What is your passion? Whatever it is,
ask God to show you ways to share it with others.
Tell God you want to be used by him to bless those around you, and then
begin to actively watch for the doors he opens.
· Say thanks to one who shared – No
doubt someone in your life was influential to you, just as Judy was
influential to me. Maybe you haven’t seen or heard from that person
in years or maybe that person lives in the same house as you. Regardless,
talk/call/write/visit that person and say thank you – “Thank you
for what you shared and for the way you so deeply influenced my life.”
Devotion #2
Five keys to lasting change
April 16, 2007 - by Katie Brazelton and Janet Foster
I recently had lunch with a friend, whom we'll call Sally, who reported that she and her husband could barely speak to one another without having an argument. She added that friends and family members had offered their opinion, noting that her insecurities and communication style were definitely part of the problem. When I asked whether she felt the feedback was accurate, she replied: "They are probably right, but I don't have the patience to change. It's too difficult - too much work."
It's often said that if two or more people bring the same issue to our attention, the issue probably has merit. So let's assume for just a moment that Sally's got issues - just like the rest of us! And, let's assume that her friends and family have truly identified some specific areas for improvement that could be life-changing for her.
Why is she resisting and why do we resist? Bottom line, because we don't see that the payoff for change will outweigh the effort it will take to change. We are not thinking from God's eternal perspective; we are thinking with our tired minds, broken hearts, and dispirited souls.
I wish change happened along the lines of how my iRobot Roomba vacuum works! Have you seen one of those fast-thinking machines in action? They have a sensor that helps them change direction at a moment's notice. If they hit a wall, they simply bounce off it and take that as clear instructions to try a different route. Wouldn't it be incredible if all we had to do was to sense, literally, when to change directions - and Voila, it would happen!
But let's face it. For us, change is much more difficult; it takes patience and a ton of effort. Change comes from putting our thoughts into action. Sometimes it is a dramatic leap, but most of the time it happens little by little as new behavior is practiced and new habits are learned. For those who are partial to instant gratification, this repetition is more likely to make us groan than inspire us to change. Fortunately, we don't have to rely on our own will power or determination. God has supplied all the tools and resources needed to make the journey a success.
Sally is fortunate. She has taken one giant step forward without even realizing it. She has admitted that she has a problem. The path to lasting change starts with ownership of our emotions, attitudes, motives, and actions. For those who suffer from selective denial (yes, my hand is raised), a root canal will sound more appealing. The good news is that wounded pride about our shortcomings isn't fatal! God already knows the areas in which we struggle. Admitting weakness and taking responsibility prepare our heart for the next step.
And that's where Sally is getting hung up: She now needs to acknowledge that she is going to need God's help. Philippians 1:6 could be of great comfort to her: "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (NIV) God always has our best interest in mind. We must surrender our circumstances to him and trust him to see the change through to completion. Over the years, I have found that focusing on five P's has worked for me: Presence, Prayer, Preparation, Patience, and Perseverance.
The Five P's to Life-Long Change
1. Get into God's presence. Hebrews 11:16 (NIV) says, "He rewards those who earnestly seek him." Whether your preference is listening to worship music, meditating, or reading the Bible, take the time to get into God's presence. If you will feed your spirit when times are good, it will help you be strong when times are bad.
2. Pray for God's strength and guidance. Mark 11:24 (NIV) promises, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Keep the communication line with God open. Share with him your concerns and fears. Declare in prayer that you know how powerful he is and in whose hands you place your human efforts.
3. Prepare your heart for a positive outcome. The Bible states, "Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed." (1 Peter 1:13 NIV) Visualize the desired outcome, then take action to prepare yourself in advance for his victory that is already at hand.
4. Be patient with yourself. Ecclesiastes 7:8 (NIV) teaches: "The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride." God's work is accomplished in his good timing, and the good news is that the outcome won't be one nanosecond late. God's timing is perfect, so wait patiently for the end of the matter.
5. Persevere. Don't give up! Remember that "Perseverance must finish its work." (Jas 1:12 NIV) The outcome you desire could be days, hours, or only minutes away! Keep your eyes focused on the prize and never give up. In fact, as Winston Churchill once said, "Never, never, never give up."
Change is definitely not easy, but it is essential to our spiritual growth as Christians, and it is quite doable if we learn to sit in God's presence, pray, prepare ourselves, be patient with ourselves, and persevere. What opportunities for change invite action from you today? Will you take the first step in admitting the truth of needing to change and the second step in leaning on God, or will you say, "I don't want to change, and you can't make me!"
Weekly Issue of Devotions
Hey all, this is a new thing that we're doing for prayer. It's a weekly issue of devotions. I believe doing your personal devotions is important to foster a better realtionship with God. Let Him minister to you through devotions and not forgetting the bible also! Throw this challenge to yourselves guys, read your bible everyday! Prepare yourselves for greater things ahead.
Feel free also to send in your prayer request. (may it be poor attendance in CF, weak response etc etc) You are most welcome to do so. I believe we exist to help each other to run the race that God had planned for us. k? you can email, beep, sms, me . I'm Samson, yap.samson@gmail.com or sam_son91@hotmail.com .
Part of the first email sent to us by Samson Yap - Prayer Coordinator
Yes people, weekly devotions will be up on this blog also, so that EVERYBODY can chip in to help make this rally a success. Remember, without prayer, all of our efforts are in vain. We can plan the best rally this year, but without prayer, there'll be a soft spot where Satan can penetrate and try to stop the plans of our Heavenly Father through this year's ISCF Rally. So I really hope that all of you will just take a few minutes off your internet time to just ponder on the points in these weekly devotions. Here's devotion #1. Enjoy.
Everyday life is spiritual
Should churches meet practical needs?
April 16, 2007 - by John Townsend
One of the biggest problems facing the church today is what has been called the sacred-secular division.
This phrase refers to the idea that church is where spiritual life resides, and the secular life is what goes on outside the walls of the building. With this understanding, the church and its activities are religious and spiritual in nature and are meant to support and strengthen people, so they can go out into their lives - the "secular world" - and have success, victory, and hope for themselves.
In reality, there is a clear distinction between what is directly and clearly of God and his ways, and what is not. This is what holiness is about. The concept comes from the Old Testament teachings in which God guided his people to separate from evil and be part of what belongs to him: "Be holy, for I am holy. (Lev. 11:44, NAS). It is a protective structure that God created to keep us safe and away from what would harm us. Holiness is a very good thing.
The idea, however, has morphed over time, so that often it no longer relates to good versus evil, but instead to religious versus everyday. That is, often people think that their personal realities, like jobs, families, relationships, emotions, and bad habits are part of the "real world," but church, worship, Bible teaching, and preaching are part of the "spiritual world."
The problem with this thinking is that it doesn't satisfy the spiritual emptiness and hunger of people. They live in two divided worlds, and there is not a lot of connection between the two. This is often where people begin to suffer from shame and guilt, feeling that their everyday lives and problems are inferior to what goes on at church - and somehow not as important to God.
Sometimes they hide and conceal from others, and from themselves, how they really feel and live because of this division. Sometimes they spiritualize their lives and simply avoid facing their problems, issues, and hurts, hoping that the more they pray, read the Bible, and attend church, the more the problems will be resolved.
Certainly the spiritual disciplines, doctrines, and theologies of the Bible are meant to give us a life that works and is fruitful. But things work better for people when they understand how God really sees things - and it is this way: it's all spiritual.
Our families, jobs, talents, dreams, failures, and past baggage are all parts of life that God cares about, wants to help us with, and has provided resources for. As the old hymn says, "This is My Father's World." He is the One "in whom we live and move and exist." (Acts 17:28) In all the ways we live, in all the places we move, and in all the patterns of life we exist in, God is involved deeply and wants to guide us. That is the spiritual life.
What is the takeaway for us?
Basically, to help people seek God, his presence, and his answers within the contexts of their lives. We in the church need to show them that their careers, finances, dating lives, struggles, and parenting are deeply spiritual activities with spiritual answers and solutions. Provide biblical and practical steps, activities, and small group gatherings for them to discuss and learn all they need to know to get to the next step.
We are never closer to God than when we connect, in his name, with those who need support in their everyday lives. That is the truly spiritual way, the way that involves us in being his hands and feet.
"And the King will say, 'I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'" (Matt. 25:40)
God bless you.
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
Pre Rally Workshop
Date: 7th of June 2007
Location: Multi-Purpose Hall 2 in Glad Tidings Assembly Klang
Time: 1:30PM till 5:00PM
Fee: RM5 (includes materials and dinner)
To get more information please ask your CF committees or you can post a comment here. For registrations, I think you can do it under your CF in school. If you don't have a CF in your school, I think you can just come and register on that day. Not sure about that, will update more on it.
After the workshop, we'll be having a Pre-Rally Night Rally (haha). Yes people, there'll be a night rally starting at 7:00PM till 10:00PM. Please be informed that this workshop and rally is ONLY for Christians. (The ISCF Rally is for everybody). Admission is free. It's in Glad Tidings Assembly Klang as well.
All committees are COMPULSORY to attend this workshop!
Other Christians are ADVISED to attend this workshop.
Hope to see you guys there....
PS: To the others who are not able to make it or who can't join us for this workshop and pre rally, don't be sad because ISCF Rally is for you. ISCF Rally is for EVERYBODY to attend. God bless!
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Video #1
PS: Sorry if it's not up to your expectations.. New concept I need to work on.
Saturday, 19 May 2007
What will be on this blog?
Leaks of course.
Updates on our agenda.
Videos and pictures.
And other undecided stuff.
If I get banned from posting here, I'll make another blog and post more leaks! Muahah!